Recognizing National Diabetes Month – Meet Our Diabetes Education Team!

Did you know Hutchinson Clinic has a team dedicated to educating patients about diabetes? Our highly trained team is here to provide assistance and resources to patients suffering from diabetes. This month offers the perfect time to share information about the benefits our team brings to our patients all year round! We sat down with Keri Shroyer, RD, Kathy Mailloux, RN and Danielle Suderman, RD – leaders of our Diabetes team – to share their story and helpful insights.

Tell us about your background and your role in the diabetes education program.

Keri: I have been with Hutchinson Clinic for 25 years now! I am a registered dietitian and also see patients here at the clinic for weight loss programs.

Kathy: I’m a registered nurse at Hutch Clinic and I have been here for 21 years! I have spent 18 of these years working in this specific area, including office one-on-one visits and group education courses.

Danielle: As a registered dietitian, I have worked at Hutch for 27 years helping to build our Diabetes Education program for our patients!

What is your care philosophy?

Diabetes education can be a hard topic sometimes for people. At its core, our team’s goal is to create a welcoming environment that facilitates a space for real conversations. We want to be a support system for our patients and help them feel comfortable and confident. By working with our patients to learn where they are on their journey, we implement small adjustments that fit into their day-to-day for a better path. We don’t want to overhaul people’s lives – we’re here to help them take steps to make it better.

What does the diabetes education program provide for patients?

Our program is one of the most comprehensive we’ve seen locally. It includes a combination of personalized one-on-one sessions and group education classes, which, of course, have looked different during COVID. Everyone comes to us with a different set of needs, and many times come to us with pre-conceived ideas about what diabetes management will look like for them. But the truth of the matter is that we meet patients where they are and aim to make management of diabetes doable for everyone.

One of our main goals in the program is to help patients understand how dietary choices can affect blood sugar and promote overall health, in addition to the lifestyle changes that may be needed like exercise or other habits.

Another big part of our work is medication and insulin education, which is a complex topic. In partnership with their physicians, we make sure our patients are aware of and understand the importance of adhering to their necessary medication routines. This really helps ease worry for our patients and feel confident in their ongoing care.

The holidays are approaching – do you have any advice?

We always want our patients to know that some leniency is OK. If you are staying on track and true to your care plan regularly, letting loose for the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday is understandable. But people have to get back on the horse the following day. Our team understands that family traditions are important, and ultimately, play a role in our patients’ well-being and mental health.

For these times, it’s good to follow an 80/20 structure – 80 percent of following the rules, 20 percent of giving yourself some flexibility. People shouldn’t feel guilty for enjoying a holiday meal. That will ruin the holiday spirit, which is needed now more than ever. We would say to just give yourself some space and make an extra effort to go on a walk or get some movement the next few days. Especially this year, your happiness is not worth sparing over that last bite of pumpkin pie!

Want to learn more about our diabetes education, weight loss courses and other dietitian assistance? Call us at 620-694-4096 and or visit

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