Employee Spotlight: Ali Towell, RN

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This week, our employee spotlight was nominated by one of her fellow nurses. Ali Towell has worked for Hutch Clinic for more than a decade, caring for the children of our community in Pediatrics. We thank her for her work and want to share more about her!

Ali Towell, RN

Department: Pediatrics

How long have you been with Hutch Clinic? 12 years

Why did you want to join the Hutch Clinic team? I was previously working nights at the hospital, so the “family friendly” hours worked better with a young family.

What makes working at Hutch Clinic so special? The people! I have the privilege of working in one of the best departments. Our pediatricians are so kind and generous!

Where did you meet your partner? Playing church league softball my sophomore year of high school.

What TV shows are you loving? My daughter started reading the “Little House” series, so we’re watching “Little House on the Prairie.”

What makes you laugh? My kids!

What’s your favorite local restaurant? We love the street tacos from El Patio!

Spring or Fall? Fall

Beach or Mountains? Mountains!

Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset

Thank you, Ali, for all you do for the Clinic! Our employee spotlight series will continue here on our blog - so keep an eye out for our next edition.

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