Hutch Clinic Employee Spotlight: Tara Kerschner, MA

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Our latest employee spotlight is Tara Kerschner, MA! A member of our OB/GYN team, Tara has been with Hutch Clinic for 10 years and was nominated for being a true team player and her unwavering work ethic. We are proud to have her as part of our team! Join us in recognizing Tara, and read more about her below!

Tara Kerschner, MA

Department: OB/GYN

Hometown: Born and raised in Hutch!

How long have you been with Hutch Clinic? 10 years

What does Hutch Clinic do better than anyone else? Provide outstanding care in many specialties, all in one location.

What makes working at Hutch Clinic so special? The relationships you build, not only with co-workers, but with the patients.

First job? I was an assistant at an after school program.

Where did you meet your partner? Middle school!

What hobby/hobbies are you pursuing? Gardening

What’s your favorite local restaurant? Cancun Mexican Grill

Dogs or cats? Dogs

Spring or fall? Fall

Coffee or tea? Coffee

Thank you, Tara, for all you do for the Clinic! Our employee spotlight series will continue here on our blog - so keep an eye out for our next edition.

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