Employee Spotlight: Stacy Bartholomew, RN


It’s time to highlight another one of our team members! We received a nomination for Stacy Bartholomew, RN, from her peers to honor her contributions and outstanding care in our Cardiology department. Read about her below!

Stacy Bartholomew, RN

How long have you been with Hutch Clinic? Two years

Department: Cardiology

Why did you want to join the Hutch Clinic team? The majority of my nursing career has been in cardiology. When the opportunity came up to join Dr. Hagley’s team at the Clinic, I had to take it! It’s a privilege to work with him and our other wonderful providers.

What does Hutch Clinic do better than anyone else? The accessibility and presence of the administrative team is better than most places I’ve worked. It’s encouraging that those in leadership take the time to get to know you and work in various roles as just “part of the team.”

What makes you laugh? My 14-month-old daughter. Everything is new and exciting to her! She’s such a joy to watch.

Favorite local restaurant? Two of my local faves that I recently visited are Old Mill Tasty Shop and The Monarch. Well worth the drive to Wichita!

Your First Job? Baby Gap at Towne East. I’m not sure I miss working retail but the discounts were nice!

What TV shows are you loving? I can’t wait for the next season of Jack Ryan and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel!

Dogs or cats? We have three dogs!

Beach or mountains? Beach!

Spring or fall? Fall.

Thank you, Stacy, for all you do for the Clinic! Our employee spotlight series will continue here on our blog - so keep an eye out for our next edition.

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