Hutch Clinic Employee Spotlight: Amy Hans, APRN

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We are excited to continue on with our employee spotlights! Today, we want to highlight Amy Hans, APRN, who has played a vital role on our Internal Medicine team for more than four years! Please join us in recognizing her, and we hope you enjoy learning more about her!

Amy Hans, APRN

Department: Internal Medicine

How long have you been with Hutch Clinic? 4.5 years

Hometown: On a dairy farm in Loganville, Wisconsin!

What does Hutch Clinic do better than anyone else? We try to be a presence in the community and respond proactively to community needs.

What makes working at Hutch Clinic so special? I LOVE that we have so many excellent primary care providers, specialties (orthopedics, gastroenterology, OB/GYN, etc.), pharmacy, support services (dietitians, physical therapy, etc.) and tools (lab, radiology, etc.) available to provide great care. It's so nice to have seamless care.

First vacation? Tennessee; to Opryland in Nashville and Graceland in Memphis!

First concert? Whitesnake & Bon Jovi

What is the last movie you watched, or the next movie you’d like to watch? The Martian. One of only a few I've watched more than once!

What’s your favorite quote? "Teamwork makes the dream work."

What’s your favorite local activity or event? Going for walks around Hyde Park

Beach or mountains? Beach for sure!

Sweet or salty? They go best together!

Sunrise or sunset? Sunset

Thank you, Amy, for all you do for the Clinic! Our employee spotlight series will continue here on our blog - so keep an eye out for our next edition.

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